Monday, March 6, 2017

The inward journey

Today, I turned 29...for the 7th time. It's an interesting season of life. I'm a husband, a parent to young kids, a son, a friend, a musician, a bodybuilder...okay, not the last one. And amidst all those things, I'm me. In spite of all the roles that I take on, whether chosen, born into, or fallen into, I remain myself, and I want to take my 35th year on this planet to really dive into who I am, what makes me me, how I can better myself, and how can I become more like the person God created me to be. Hopefully by taking some time to focus on myself, I will be able to improve not only my own quality of life, but my roles as husband, father, and so on to improve the quality of life for those I care about.

I will (try to) engage in some sort of daily self-reflection exercise throughout my 35th year, beginning today. Some of these I will share; some I will probably keep private. Some days, I will just do something fun or funny or random, while some days I will do some serious soul searching. My plan is to do this through utilization of the arts: music, photography, writing, drawing, and whatever else I can think of. Unlike the 365 photography project I did a few years back, I am accepting help from others, for example, I will include pictures taken by other people, as I did above.

Here we go.

Disclaimer: I am new to drawing. I started at the end of 2016, when I probably hadn't tried to seriously draw anything since at least Junior High, maybe earlier. Some of these drawings will probably be pretty crude until my skill improves through practice and time, but hey, Van Gogh didn't start until he was 27, so maybe all is not lost at 35.

The idea here, is that I'm turning 35, but I'm still a child in many ways. A person in their mid 30's should have some things figured out, but I don't. I don't even know what I want to be when I grow up. The parentheses show that the "3" is there, but a lot of people, myself included, will glance over it. 

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