There, I said it. I've been in denial for the past six years, when the recession apparently hit not only the economy, but my hairline as well. It has been thinning out in the front, and I have been unable to accept this inevitability of male aging.
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My Grandpa Sutter (the bearded one) and two of his brothers; the greatest man I've ever known, but damn this gene passed down to me! |
Every minute away from work, I cover my head with a Cubs hat or one of two "newsy" caps, which I love to wear, but the time has come to face reality. I am going to be bald. I have three options I can take with this; I can hold on to the past as long as I can, growing it, and trying to style it to where it looks the least amount of bald, I can accept it and realize that I will more resemble George Costanza than I ever wanted to, or I can embrace it, meaning shave it all off.
I have been going with the first option for far too long, and I can't stand the second option, so it looks as though option three would be my best bet...except for one thing. On the left side of my head, I have a protruding mole the size of Texas. Now, I don't want to be vain (which this post thus far would not lead you to believe), but this mole would become my caricature. People would not describe me as "that bald guy" (which I could grow to be ok with; it sounds scary right now) but "that bald guy with the giant mole". I am fairly confident with most of my body image, at least content, but this mole is taunting me. It is a bald man's nemesis.
Enter apple cider vinegar. My wife saw, on Facebook or Pinterest or one of those dumb sites, a post about using apple cider vinegar to remove moles. Apparently it contains an acid that will dissolve the mole over a couple months, and it will look as though it was never there to begin with. Skeptically, I researched the internet, and there seems to be quite a bit of anecdotal evidence in support.
So at night time, I'm wearing a headband, holding an apple cider vinegar soaked cotton ball in place. Should this work, should it dissolve away the excess, I will be able to accept my baldness, and be happy with it, because it's who I am.
Jesus works the same was as apple cider vinegar on a mole. When people see our sin, our insecurity, our imperfections, like the mole, they can become our caricature. They become what people see. They become what we see. Jesus dissolves these away. They are not part of who we truly are, and the more we let Jesus work in our lives, the closer we become to the image of God we were created to be. Only then can we fully embrace our true identity.
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